Additional Custom Aids
Educational & Safety Planning

Complimentary Educational Program Planning

Infection Prevention Let Us Help You Make An Educational Impact!

CareTek can offer some great ideas to assist you with creating a complete educational and communication program incorporating a variety of infection prevention, emergency response, safety and/or emergency preparedness materials to meet your specific organizational needs and requirements. Consistent, yet tailored for different audiences these attention-getting, customized materials standout compared to generic items from other sources. And they convey a public outreach service message for your organization.


To get started with your educational program planning, begin with Complimentary Customizable Educational Safety Planning Request Forms for:

Infection Prevention
Emergency Response & Other Areas of Safety Interest
Promoting Home Emergency Preparedness
See Customizable Emergency Prepardness Aids Available

For more information on this no-cost offer, contact CareTek today at 303-470-1947.

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